Allyn Hoang
Allyn Hoang was born on 2nd April 1988, in Dallas Texas USA. She's 34 years old and was is born in the Aries sign. She's born in the United States of American origin. Allyn doesn't have information about her parents. But it's known she has a sister but her name is unknown. Hoang did share a photo on December 13, but she was with her older sister. Hoang also said that even though her parents arrived to the USA with nothing she or her sister all that they had. Allyn Hoang, one of the most well-known hosts on television shows, is extremely popular. Her fame is due to her being the best presenter in American TV the past. Emmys have also been awarded to her in recognition of journalism. Allyn also took part in beauty contests and later was in a position to do some hosting on TV. Later on, she was even involved for the Salvation Army for their fight to end hunger. Hoang began her professional career in journalism when she was a teen. In fact, Hoang's journalism professional career started when she was an teen. After this, the privilege of working with IGN was also a possibility and even was the host for E!, the sports channel. She was also the host of E! The skills she had were further developed through her appearances on Huffington Post, and the E! News. She contributed her talents to MTV and on the NBC show Friday Night Lights. Since the year 2008 she is a member of the Asian American Journalist Association. In addition, she had an additional accomplishment when she was invited to Washington DC for a collaboration with the Whitehouse Initiative regarding Pacific Islanders & Asian Americans. Additionally, she's an entertainment reporter for NBC in Dallas Fort Worth as of now.
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